100. I might be going home with you tonight [5. November 2007]

Boy, I saw you last night
and though I didn't drank yet,
I was incredibly tight.
And you're to blame,
so please pay off your debt.

You got me, in a delirious state.

You're clearly not aware of it,
but I'm pining for attention.
From my observation slit
I keep an eye on you,
try to relieve my tension.

For the next time, that we meet,
I want you...
I want you to look at me with passion,
so wild and raging,
so that I know, what will happen.

I want to take you home with me that night.


101. Silke und der Corsa [5. Dezember 2007]

Am Parkplatz fährt ein Corsa vor,
es keucht und pocht der kleine Motor.
Das Auto hält und wer steigt aus?
Die Silke ists, die süße Maus.

Und mit ihr steigt der Andi aus,
er ist ihr Freund - ein Augenschmaus!
Sie zündet sich 'ne Kippe an,
wie sie's schon tausend mal getan.

Der Andi schaut sie an und meint:
"Ich hätt dir gern was prophezeit:
Wenn du diesmal am Jahresende
dir einen Vorsatz fasst behende,
das Rauchen völlig aufzugeben
da woll mer unser Wort dir geben.

Nach ein, zwei Jahren rauchfrei sein,
hast du gespart so manchen Schein,
verkaufst dazu den Corsa-Haufen,
kannst dir ein neues Auto kaufen."


102. Save my life - Heinrich [28. Dezember 2007]

Well I guess, that it's over
and I should let you go,
cuz I'm finally sober,
I don't feel you no mo'.
(I'm a pitiful liar.)

Well my heart, it was cracking
under pressure of pain,
you continued with stacking,
you constricted my vein.
(You still do.)

Well I saw you today
and you looked pretty good,
but my heart does not feel
just the way it might should.

Well you know that I love you
more than earth and the sky.
And if I had the choice
I would make myself die.

Well there's something about you
keeps me sleepless all night:
would you give me a hug
and say we are alright?


103. My liar's dungeon - Heinrich [16. März 2008]

I miss the days, we were together,
it's like there is a cloud above my head,
reminding me about the weather,
it makes me hide inside my shed.

Those sunny days are gone forever,
I did not need my shed back then,
but now I face the locking lever
and find myself inside a liar's den.

If I had the nerve to scorn to lie,
cause principally I'm lying to myself,
I would confess, the one that I deny
is dearer than the world itself.


104. Strudel [21. März 2008]

Ich will nur noch tanzen.
Mein Kopf soll sich drehen
und die Erinnerungen sollen
im Strudel der Zeit verloren gehen.


105. I would... [12. April 2008]

If I had the chance, I would kill you.
Because then you were no longer able
to harm me, like you do
and I could live knowing that
the person I love, is dead,
not just pretending to hate me,
saying hurtful things
without listening at all.
Definitely, I would kill you.
Maybe I'm an egoist,
but just the half of me.
If I was completely, I would kill myself,
just to escape from the pain,
that you cause.


106. Dinge

Ruhe. Nixtun. Genießen.
Nichts. Niemand. Stille.
Atmen. Ausruhen. Zerfließen.
Sammeln. Aufbauen. Wille.
Anfang. Aufstehen. Gehen.
Nichts. Niemand. Verstehen.
Ende. Stehen. Umdrehen.
Alles. Jeder. Geschehen.


107. Getting a clear view while talking to God

Give me a second to breathe in,
to think about my present state,
to come to peace from being irate
and listen to my voice within.

As a child I thought life's easy,
I could have and do it all,
at once be happy and earn money,
study in Harvard with my scrawl.

Now the things are abrupt different
and cares begin to spread my head.
Need to have money for the rent
and to have someone in my stead.

Give me a chance to make a change,
to find the right mentality,
show me my designated way,
fight with me for morality.

I know, I barely gained a thing,
but I know that I'll improve.
I know some day I'll find my way:
Help me to make a clever move.


108. Gute Zeiten

Setzt euch mal an einem schönen,
fernen Abend zusammen und
redet über die guten, alten Zeiten.
Redet über euer gegenwärtiges Leben,
Berufe, über eure tollen Autos.
Redet über die Naivität von
16-jährigen und deren Träumen.
Redet über die Unbeschwertheit
der Vorstellung vom Erwachsensein.
Redet über die schlaflosen Nächte
und die abenteuerlichen Tage
eurer vergangenen Jugend.
Setzt euch mal alle zusammen
und erinnert euch doch an mich.
An die Zeit, die war, an all das,
was wir zusammen erlebt haben.
Und dann daran, dass nichts ewig ist,
nicht Vertrauen, nicht Freundschaft,
nicht Treue, nicht einmal Liebe.
Ruft euch in Erinnerung, dass selbst
die Versprechen, die wir uns gaben,
nichts mehr wert sind als Worte.
Leere, sinnlose, windige Worte.
Was ist aus uns geworden?
Früher waren wir unzertrennlich
und nun grüßen wir uns nicht,
wenn wir uns zufällig irgendwo sehen.
Aber setzt euch bitte mal zusammen,
wenn ich nicht mehr hier sein kann.
Redet über die guten, alten Zeiten.


109. I miss you... [

Artificial beauty, artificial pain,
as she's looking in the mirror,
her lying eyes stare holes in vain;
Her appearance deceives
with deceitful hopes, from then on
your life slithers steeply slopes.


110. Give in to my yearning [5. April 2008]

Now that I told you how I feel,
I would love to hold you in my arms,
I'd like to touch your face and kiss your lips
and say it all again and again.
I'd like to surrender myself to my desire for you.
I'd like to hide away, that no one could see,
what I'm doing to you, what you're doing to me.
Let's forget our responsibilities tonight,
I know, you're a man of principles,
but let's forget about the world, just hold me tight.
Give in to my yearning.

23. Februar 2009 00:16

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